Nowadays, technologies is no more in the desire category as it has become a necessity in today world and it is also has become necessary for students.
If back then a smart phone can be considered as a desired thing but now a smart phone can be necessity for a student as student can share information or communicate with other students and lecturers via WhatsApp either personally or in group. Students can also check the assignments question or any information that has been uploaded by the lecturers in the Facebook group.
Laptop is also a necessity for a students as students will need a laptop to do most of their assignments and to search informations for their assignments.
Other than that, as a KPTM KL students I have to take advantage on the technologies that have been provided for the students such as Content Management System (CMS) and Online Learning System (OLES). CMS is a site for students to check their subject so that they can do add-drop to their subjects and also to check for their class timetable while OLES is a website where students can download the assignments and notes that have been uploaded by the lecturers as this is the official site for the Kolej Poly-Tech Mara lecturers to upload the notes and assignments. After download the notes or assignments from OLES, I can either print out the documents or save it in my laptop.
Online Learning System(OLES): OLESKL
Content Management System (CMS) : CMSKL